If you expect to achieve your goals, reach your
potential, have dreams come true then let me tell you this is a
Visualization is a powerful extraordinary skill, our Brain includes a system known as the reticular activating system which acts as a filter system and thus allows some information and blocks some of it, guess who did that.... it was you! the people of your past.what it does is like suppose while attempting to do a new thing, at the start you don't get any success and feel all down and think that this thing won't work and what your brain does is that it gives every single piece of that evidence that confirms your bad feeling and compel you to give up.
It looks for that
evidence to give all-day-long, this is why we have problems, like difficulties
with our life and politics for example.. that is why we have a confirmation
bias... your mind loves to read and see the things you agree with why that is
because it confirms that filter...why we that filter that is because if it
gains all the things at one time it may explode... like have you seen a
Facebook page? it has its so many things on it like content, ads comments, etc,
if your brain takes everything at the equal value then it may explode.
Now, I want you to write
down your goals and then go to each one of them and do the visualization
exercise, this is the a particular way of how you should do it based on science
and it’s a 2 step method. Now if your goal is to improve yourself worth, I want
you to visualize how your life looks like and how you are going to feel about
yourself when yourself worth has improved.
Now when it comes
to visualization there are these two things that you have to do that is to;
Step1: close your eyes and I want you to have a specific picture of what it looks like when yourself worth has improved, you are going to see yourself speaking up at work, talking about your business, you are going see yourself leaving bad relationships, defining boundaries, you are going see yourself going to the gym, taking care of yourself.
Step 2: When you start to visualize the specific picture, I want you to consciously think of the positive emotions that you are going have like 'I feel so happy’, ‘I feel so proud’, ‘I am going to stand higher’, I am going to be so grateful that I made this change.
Mirroring the specific picture, like ‘oh, there I am
signing up a new customer for my business, or there I am relaxing in my
penthouse or villa...when you do that here is what happens in your brain, by
this, you are training your brain to have a new filter and you know what the
funny part is? it is that your brain does not know the difference between the
actual memories you have and an imagined memory that you are creating, your
brain will start visualizing about you going to the gym, you visualizing how
happy you feel when you do, you visualizing yourself having everything you want
and relaxing, the moment you start practicing what I taught you then your brain
will encode it as a real memory and that is important because when that happens
it changes your filter system and according to the research.
The greater your
confidence is going to be the greater security you have about it. And here is
the cool thing, the more you do this with your goals, you wake up early in the
morning and visualize which takes about only 30 seconds, like you visualize
having a great day or killing your panic and what the studies have found is
that simply visualizing yourself doing things it actually develops skill and
also helps you improve the skills just as if you were doing it so there is a
proof based on research which states that visualization helps you build skills
and finally another thing that is important about this is that the more you do
this and what we know based on research is that the reason why you start to
believe what you think is that you are reprogramming your brain, you are
changing the network of neurons that act as the filter.
So the more that
you believe in yourself and you start thinking and visualizing yourself
speaking up the more confident you become the more skills that you are building
and you’re going to do it and hence when you are sitting in a meeting to not
speak up, you are going to just speak up because you have changed that filter
and now you are going to look for opportunities. This is how it works and why
it is so incredibly important.
How does it feel to go
to the bank and check that balance, how does it feel to be able to write that check
and buy your villa, your dream car, how does it feel to quit your job and start
your own business, it feels darn cool. So I want you to savor that because when
visualizing what you are doing is you are reprogramming that filter so that it
is spotting opportunities which helps you see the evidence that you are
confident, you are capable of it and that you can do it instead of all the
garbage, you think right now!
So what are you
waiting for?
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