What is meditation?
Meditation is mind focusing at one point I.e., focusing all your energy at one particular point. Initially, in the beginning state, you are unable to do it patiently, but you should not give up and should keep on practising it since ’practice makes a man perfect’.
Steps to do meditation in the right way:
1. It would be best to do it in the early morning like at 4 am. The reason why 4 am is that; let’s assume you slept at like 10 pm, it is said that your body needs at least 6 hours to distress itself thus, it is the best to do it then since your mind is fresh and your body is distressed.
2. Try to keep your mind calm and it is easy to do in the morning since the environment is calm and quiet.
3.Get fresh and then do it, if possible take a bath.
4. Use some incense sticks for better aroma and vibes.
5. Sit on a mat in front of the candle or Diya.
6. Now, start to focus on any particular object like a picture of your idol, god, or on the candle flame or a dot.
7. As of for removing and avoiding unwanted thoughts, try chanting mantras or simply om, or either try concentrating on your breathing.
This is for the initial stage, later on as time passes by and when you get used to concentrating, you should start focusing at the point between your eyebrows with your eyes closed. The point is called at agnya chakra ( the most developed and powerful source of energy in the human body).
Now, a doubt may arise in your mind that for what time duration one should do or practice meditation. Generally, as much as you can do tirelessly. But, as a thumb rule, one should practise minimum for the time equivalent to your current age, for example, if you are 30 years old then, you should do it at least for 30 mins.
What are the benefits of meditation?
Meditation is the exercise of the brain, it helps you to explore the brain and increase your memory power. It helps you to stay fit and young because due to the brain exercise the unwanted hormones will no be released and hence you will attain mental peace.
So, what are you waiting for?
Go do it now!
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